Dragonball Movie (2009)New

The story begins with a young humanoid boy named Goku, who discovers that he was sent to Earth to blend in and destroy our population but instead elects to protect it from an oncoming alien onslaught bent on dominating the universe and controlling the mystical objects. He seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku's quest…

How to Choose a Good Domain Name?

Choosing a domain name for your site is one of the most important steps towards creating the perfect internet presence. Many factors must be considered when choosing a good domain name.  Domain names can be really long or really short.In general, choose a domain name that is short in length The shorter your domain name, the easier it will be for people remember.  If your site is long and difficult to pronounce, people will not remember the name of the site and unless they bookmark the link, they may never return. You should also consider the different top level domain…

Build a Body Like Ryan Reynolds, Will Smith

Ryan Reynolds transformed his body when he was preparing for his role of Hannibal King in Blade Trinity. Rumor said he did not only gain 20 pounds of muscles, but also reduced his body fat percentage from 11% to 3%. Whether the body fat percentage was really 3%, which many may not believe, the point is to look at his workout regimen as well as his diet plan and learn something out from his transformation success. * Eat More Smaller Meals * Prepare Home Cooked Food * No more Carbs after 8 PM * Take Supplement * Diet Menu Workout…

I am a Engineer

On 22nd may 2008 i have become a Engineer The day i waited for a long time for two reasons 1. First i finished my BE degree.. 2. Second I came out from the wonderful college i  studied. This picture which u are seeing is taken in my friend's house where we are celebrating for finishing BE degree successfully. At first, we don't know the result has come. i and my friends came to mohan's house for playing and seeing movies. but suddenly the news was spread that the result "has come " . we all became tensed and saw the…

Ashwin’s New Job

my friend ashwin got a call letter from Eds a week before hence he left the current jobs started to pack up.. His date of joining is on 13th sep 2008. yes, ofcourse today only. he was ready for going to Eds..me and all of his friend went to railway station to give a send off...            <-- All the Best for his future-->

After My College Days

I felt very sad after my College days were over because i didn't get the job and i sit lonely in my house with my computer, playing some games in it and doing some short movies based on some pictures of the college friends. i felt that i missed my college life with my friends... but when i remembered the college were i studied.. my thought was in opposite to my previous thinking. Don't think that the college where i studied is very bad. Thats it i can't forget those college days but i will never think about the college…

My College Life

These are some of the picture we have taken in royal maharaja club Before leaving the wonderful college that we have been studied. my friends in my college gave a suggestion to go to some other place where we can really enjoy. So we waited for a right time .. But the time has came very shortly and we place the gettogether in royal maharaja club. we also choose other place like beach, ECR, etc. but not suited for all us so we picked the suited place which is the club. then we shared all our money and went to…