Two Weeks of Without of Internet

Hi friends!! As due to my broadband failure i couldn’t come online often. This type of problem is happening to me more often. This time i asked the bsnl operator to rectify this problem for once in for all. Hence they took 2 weeks to do repair. i hope hear-after this problem will not happen again.

Due this broadband problem i feel so bad and even feel like lonely. nowadays when internet is not available or not around the near distance that day has became sad day. I think without internet it very horrible to life. But to change these type of living style i visit my friends house daily evening to have fun chatting and to have change from this computerized modern world.


  1. D-R

    Sorry you didn’t get to go on the computer for a long time. Hope you enjoy it now that you’re back again.

  2. hello

    Lol, I would not have taken it there if I were you, but this is a rather good entry. Maybe you could let me to post a guest entry to share my feelings about the other side of this subject.

  3. two weeks is about changing your isp?

  4. Lagawan

    wow! 2 weeks? that’s so long 😀 Well, I’m out of town right now and I kept on looking for a place where I could go online even just for a minute 😀 I can’t stand not going online for a daily hat more for 2 weeks hehehe…

    but I guess this can help us a bit when it comes to mingling or having a life outside computers and internet. Well, just catch-up with friends over a cup of coffee or whatever you want, or you could all bond together to keep up with the latest 😀 and to keep your mind out of your internet problems hehehe… hope you could come back soon
    .-= Lagawan´s last blog ..Dagupan Bangus Festival To Go On Despite The Elections =-.

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