what is HSTS protocol?

what is HSTS protocol?

HSTS, or HTTP Strict Transport security header(Strict-Transport-Security) is set on your domain, a browser will do all requests to your site over https from then onwards. In case when a hacker is redirecting this user to a fake domain.com, the browser remembers to use SSL because of the HSTS, so requests the secure site. Browser needs to visit your site first to see this header, this will be active only after the first visit. Why HSTS? You can set SSL certificate on your domain, anyone can still use your site over http. The simplest solution is to add a redirect…

Do you Need SSL(https) for the Website?

What happen's if you don't have the SSL? If the SSL certificate gets flagged as invalid by the browser, the data exchanged between you and the website you’re trying to connect to will be transferred in cleartext. Potentially, any user credentials or other sensitive data communicated over the channel can be sniffed or stolen. It is always recommended not to proceed over an insecure connection.The user’s visiting your website will lose trust due to a lack of perceivable credibility.Some users might be convinced that you are hosting a malicious website and would choose to steer clear even after the issue…
Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging

After long gap came to Blogging again. Takes lot of time to make the Site back again from the backup and found-out another hosting provider who is good in many ways. Back to Blogging July 2020 There has been lots of hips and downs to make blogging going. I hope these will changed since most of the things here made it easy in wordpress. One thing which i came to know is SSL enabling in site. Free SSL made my site friendzworld.com to https enabled. Will post those information in next blog post, which is very easy to attain Thanks…

ATG FrameWork Change

Yes My Career Start With struts FrameWork. From last two Year my career changed to ATG FrameWork. The ATG FrameWork is Art Technology Group FrameWork. This the Oldest FrameWork in the web. It is used mainly for E-commerce Purpose. It has all the end to end in-build features. When i changed to ATG FrameWork. It required great deal of Training and learning, Since it was very vast in nature. I got so many help in getting the knowledge and finally got certified in Oracle Web Commerce 11. It was a great Pleasure to achieve this stage.