Do you Need SSL(https) for the Website?

What happen’s if you don’t have the SSL?

  • If the SSL certificate gets flagged as invalid by the browser, the data exchanged between you and the website you’re trying to connect to will be transferred in cleartext. Potentially, any user credentials or other sensitive data communicated over the channel can be sniffed or stolen. It is always recommended not to proceed over an insecure connection.
  • The user’s visiting your website will lose trust due to a lack of perceivable credibility.
  • Some users might be convinced that you are hosting a malicious website and would choose to steer clear even after the issue gets fixed.
  • Adversely impacts business and brings down the reputation especially if you are not a known player experiencing a temporary technical glitch.

How to Get it freely?

If you have website which is using wordpress then you an use below plugin to get the free SSL certification and install it make the website from http to https. Click here to get it freely.

WordPress SSL pulgin

The intention behind having an SSL/TLS certificate was not just for authentication but also to establish the identity of the remote server with whom the client browser communicates.

SSL /TLS protocol to ensure that data travels securely over the wire. Encrypting data in transit helps to prevent any malicious user from sniffing the network to steal sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, etc.

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are cryptographic protocols designed to provide a secure communication channel between clients and servers over the internet. TLS is the relatively newer version when compared to SSL, SSL is the older encryption protocol.


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