Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Former President of India is no more, Died On 27th July 2015. His last breathed in Shillong, where he had arrived to deliver a lecture at Indian Institute of Management. The reason for his demise is said to be massive cardiac arrest late evening after 7 PM.

Air Marshal Arjan Singh, the only officer of the Indian Air Force to be promoted to five-star rank, paying tribute to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam – “The Missile Man of India”. I believe there can’t be a picture better than this which describes the true model of secularism this country deserves.
The Indian nation of more than 80% Hindus bows down in respect looking at an Indian Sikh offering his salute to an Indian Muslim. Dirty politics divided India in the name of religion and cast but this great son of Indian soil tied us together.
we salute you sir.
Rest In peace Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
May he rest in peace.