Cricket Match – Winning Moment

I like to share my Winning Movements with u

Ya this is my School Silver Jubilee Celebration and this is my Cricket team.

we got the prize for winning the Cricket match.

Main thing to be remember is that, this is our last year in school and we finished our schooldays with wining notes

<–Movements to be remembered–>


  1. Abdul

    I think I just commented on your other blog as well, this design is also pretty cool! (Wonder where you get them). ANyways thanks for dropping a comment at my blog!

  2. Hi Rajesh 🙂
    Congratulations for your two winning games 🙂
    By the way, I noticed on both pictures that some are wearing a green badge while others have a red one.
    Any meaning?

  3. babycobalt

    Hi there.. i saw your link at blogcatalog. Im paying you a visit. Neat blog!

  4. Vivek Shanmugam

    Congrats dude!
    U Got very Nice Blog! Liked ur Blog
    I’ve added U to my BlogRoll – “Fellow Bloggers” – Rajesh! 🙂

    Keep Blogging!
    Keep Rocking!!!

  5. Hi, Rajesh.

    How are you?

    It is good to have you visiting my blog & thanks for your compliment. Ok, let’s exchange blog links! I already bookmarked your interesting blog for visits & have added it to my blog roll. I hope you do the same for me too! You be healthy.

  6. michael wong

    hi, any interest in exchanging blog roll links with a PR5 blog? if yes,
    i’ll link to you first, then when you have time, link back. 🙂

  7. hi! good start here. how about adding a shoutmix box too?

    I’ve a new blog too. do drop by =D u can submit any funny pictures and link them back to your blog to drive traffic. 😀

  8. Hi friend!

    It´s a great pleasure to exchange links with you.
    I am adding you right now!

    a kiss,
    add me too 😉
    see you,

  9. Thank you for visiting ILOILO ONFOOT.
    you have a very interesting site as well…
    congratulations for wining the cricket match..

  10. hi, u don’ t have adsense? U got nice blog. I added u in my bloglinks, just keep n touch always

  11. rajesh, thanks for dropping by my blog. you have a nice blog here. ill definitely keep in touch.

  12. babycobalt

    Hey .. congratulations! I`ll add you later in my blog roll. thanks for dropping by my blog 🙂

    Take care!

  13. hi! i’m familiar with cricket 🙂 it’s a popular sport in india 🙂


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