Indian IT industry is safe

According to survey condected by Nasscom told that Indian IT industry is safe

India’s IT industry does not need to worry about the current economic downturn as “we have a strong knowledge base” and the established market players here would not be affected. “We need not worry about the slowdown in the US economy. It is all a temporary phase and very soon, the US dollar will reach a stable position,” said Ganesh Natarajan, chairman of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom).

Addressing a chief executives’ meeting here, he said despite the global meltdown, the Indian software business is growing at the rate of 21-24 per cent every year.

He, however, urged the IT industry leaders to look beyond the US market. “Plenty of opportunities are available in Latin America, Japan, China, Europe and also in some African nations,” Natarajan said.

“By 2020, India can alone fulfill the need of technical talent of the whole world. By that time the whole world would need 43 million technocrats while India will have 47 million surplus technocrats,” he said.

According to Natarajan, the estate and retail business would feel the heat of the economic downturn. “But our IT sector is safe and would continue to grow,”

He added that huge investments have to be made to train the available talent.


  1. Anantha

    you have given good news for everyone. nice

  2. VJ

    i think in the present situation Indian IT weaker comparatively..

    VJ’s last blog post..Crocodile Cage of Death

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