My Friend Vijay

His Name: Vijay

His Nick Name: Pavs

He is actually very good guy…oh very good guy? i think so…

He sounds very he will always speaks at very high sound..

If i enter the college i can guess that he is there in my class from my college gate itself ..he sounds that much big…

Adding more he is short temper guy…but so cute …

he never makes mistake ..he has a good leadership qualities… he is always close to our friends

He is my friend from my school days…because of his activity we had great fun at the college…

Hope he is blessed with all the happiness and he keeps smiling always!!

<–Friendz Diary–>


  1. HI Friendz, have a nice weekend. 🙂
    And Hi to your friend, Vijay 🙂

  2. wow u are really a nice friend! Indeed your blog has lived up to its name as “Friendzworld”!

    btw, thanks for all your nice comments at my travel blog. Where are you from, India?

    eunice’s last blog post..Mushroom Update!

  3. Hello,

    I have a few questions. First, what is a “surunga gang”? Secondly, tell me more about the “beating game” you use to play in college.

  4. raj

    @ grace
    @ eunice
    thanks for ur support..i hope u would have a nice time on reading …
    @ darren
    thanks for ur visit..i though this question will be coming..thanks for asking!!
    suguna gang is like a group of boys that we had in our college..each class will have one group and name of the group ..we had great fun on it….
    beating games was really exciting we make the guy lean down and start to beat is almost like Mudhugu Puncture in tamil…..note that!! we will not do it for hurting him.we know our limits .. its a game if he escape we will leave him…its only for time pass …it will be exciting..main thing about is no one knows who will be caught for this game..suddenly we pick from the paper and round him up…
    1.this will be done on round basic..
    2. if he done some remarkable thing such coming first or getting first mark in our class test.. etc also we do it..on next day he should give treat for that thing he done …etc..i think i should write about it briefly

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