1. wow, you do animation!

    thanks for visiting my humble blog, rajesh! 🙂 i really appreciate it.

  2. sapimoto

    It’s very great Rajesh….
    Are you a movie animator??? Your animation is veri great…
    I really don’t understand how to make an animation. Maybe you will teach me, sometimes… 🙂

  3. Abas

    Yes, it is a pleasure to watch. ) Thanks, Rajesh.

  4. rajesh

    wow!! nice i liked it

    rajesh’s last blog post..My College Symposium

  5. Raj

    Hi Rajesh,

    You definitely have an interesting blog. But I’d like to give you a small piece of advice – based on my experience it will be good to have a particular theme for a blog. If you are going to blog about technology, sports, personal stuff all in the same blog you might want to think about splitting it up. In that way you will get more loyal readers and repeat visitors. Just my 2 cents and keep up the good work. By the way, thanks a bunch for visiting my blog as well!

  6. kirafashion

    thanks for asking friend.
    My weekend was good 🙂
    With family 😉

    a kiss for you!
    Have a great time!

    kirafashion’s last blog post..Wish list: scarves from Hermés

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