After CHINNA THALAPATHY (Actor Bharat),PURATCHI THALAPATHy(Actor VishalA) here comes another horse for next thalapathy race “VEERA THALAPATHY – Mr.J.K.RITEESH” . As for as KOLLYWOOD SECRET AGENT’S report J.K.RITEESH is the dark horse for next thalapathy race.
Im really impressed by his performance in NAYAGAN and his punch dialouges.
After a damp squib in his maiden venture ‘Kanal Neer’, he is appearing as an encounter cop in the film ‘Nayagan’. The actor says, ‘it is a story of an upright police officer, who wants to eliminate evil elements from society. Enough care has been taken in each and every scene to enthrall audiences.’
Adding more, he said, ‘ ‘Nayagan’ also has a strong message to the public and will make me a mass hero.
“What do u guys think about it”?
i appreciate J.K.RITEESH self confidence!!
i love his dance …he is good in dancing and delivering dialogue!!!