Cool Features of Internet Explorer 8

The New browser Internet Explorer8 was launched by Microsoft.. The Microsoft New browser Internet Explorer8 has a new cool features and is greatly advanced features considering the previous version of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 8, gets people to the information they need, fast, and provides protection that no other browser can match. This new version of Internet Explorer was a significant improvement on previous editions.

Millions still use IE6. Meanwhile, Firefox introduced in late 2004, has racked up significant market share and popularized features, such as tab browsing, which lets you quickly click back to several open Web pages.

The safety features in IE8 are very good. It can spot dubious websites and alert you if you’re about to fall foul of, let’s say, a publishing website, because it has a constantly updating list of dodgy sites. Microsoft supplies a version of IE for Windows Mobile devices that can be downloaded freely.


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