My Friend Vijay Anand

Hi friends! I have restarted to write about my friend’s diary. Though, I left this idea to write about my friends a few months before. one of my friends Vijay anand who started to blogging asked me to write about friends. Though some of my friends feels very interesting about reading about friends. So I started to write about the friends by staring with him.

His name is: Vijay Anand

His nick name is: Nettai

He is My School mate friend. He is actually very good guy.

why we call him nettai is because he is of 6.2 inch taller may be more also. While in my school days vijay anand, ashwin and sriram were my thick friends. We always stay around the ground and chat till midnight.

We two studied in a SAME COLLEGE but different class he was doing EEE and I did ECE but both the class was near to us. We had a great fun in college. He is good in playing volleyball and cricket just like me… May be more than me. He is good in all types of sports running, long jump, etc. One thing I like about him was his involvements in sports. He never gives up. We had a great competition in sports especially in cricket. Though we are in same team we always look to dominate each other and which leads to more dominance to opposite team. He was a great fan of sachin tendulkar, me too. He his now working in a core company but his thought is always on sports.

I am very happy to have found such a friend at a very early stage of my life. Hope he is blessed with all the happiness and he keeps smiling always!!
<–Friendz Diary–>


    • raj

      what to do mani? he only ask me to put this photo… may it will be distri picture for this blog..hope so….

  1. Sun

    Hey Rajesh!! you have done a good job man.. This guy vijay lokks like sachin tendulkar.. I like him so much.. could u pl give me more details about him.. He s so cute..
    .-= Sun´s last blog ..LATEST PHOTO EFFECTS =-.

  2. Vijay

    I heard he is also good at playing volleyball.. nice player vijay anand.. its nice to hear that u have a good friend lik him.. don have friendship with mani da
    .-= Vijay´s last blog ..HARLEY DAVISON BIKES TO BE LAUNCHED IN INDIA BY 2010 =-.

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