Yogi deals with a very unique subject and is set in the slums of Chennai. Director Ameer turned actor in Yogi is expected to release soon. The movie also stars Madumitha and Swathi.The music composed by Yuvanshankar Raja was released recently under the Sony Music label.
Songs in yogi looks good
The Songs list are:
1. Yogi Yogi Thaan – Blazee, Neha Bhasin
2. Yaarodu Yaaro – Yuvanshankar Raja, Ustad Sultan Khan
3. Yogi Theme In Saarangi – Ustad Sultan Khan
4. Seermevum Koovathiley – Ameer, Naveen, Snehan, Jijuba
5. Yogi Theme Musiq
6. Yogi Yogi Thaan Version 2 – Blazee, Neha Bhasin
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