Tamil Nadu SSLC, Xth (or) 10th Board examinations Results 2009

Tamil Nadu SSLC Results 2009.

SSLC, Xth (or) 10th Results of Tamil Nadu Board examinations would be released at 9am on May 23.

The results can  be accessed on a websites and through phone and e-mail as well.
School students can get their marks at the same time from their respective schools.

Tamil Nadu SSLC 2009 Results will be published online once announced by the TN SSLC Board. tnresults.nic.in

TN SSLC 2009 Results when declared will be available online on the following website







The results can also be accessed through Phone:
Airtel landline 1250108

Reliance CDMA 5550008
The results can also be accessed through SMS

For BSNL sms 57777 (TN10<ROLL NO>)
For BSNL Tamil Nadu circle SMS SSC *** 53344 or MAT *** 53344 or ANG *** 53344 followed by registration number

For AIRCEL SMS 57799

AIRTEL SMS 53030, 543217,
Reliance SMS 53030, 53030303, 53030101
TATA SMS 12971.

Results In Your Mail Inbox:

visit results.sify.com?vsv=smm


  1. Apeksha Prasad


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