The Best Follower Award (Friendzworld) 2009

Hi Friendz! Once again I got another award from Dede Andro, The Award Looks so lovely.  This is the Second award of this month. It’s called, The Best Follower Award. You are a very nice person. Many thanks to Dede Andro for giving me “The Best Follower Award”.

The rules for accepting this award are:

  • Put the logo in your blog post.
  • Invite ten people to take this award.
  • Let them know by leaving a message on their blogs.
  • Do not forget to link back to the person who gave the award.
  • Share the link love to those who get this award.

Now I would like to pass this award to my last commenters even if they have received this award or not:

Sparkzspot, suluweb, Myjoyz, Satya, Abas, Kv, SternalworldtrendzSrivatsan, and kirafashion.

Feel free to grab this award. Have a nice day and lovely blogging !!!


  1. srivats

    cool buddy!!!

    srivats´s last blog post..Zylog Launches WI-FI in chennai

  2. OH MY!
    Thanks so much my dear dear friend!
    It means the world for me,
    you are the most sweet guy 🙂



    KIRAFASHION´s last blog post..It’s Lanvin…

  3. Hi thanks for the awards….
    have a nice day!!

    Myjoyz´s last blog post..Shahrukh Khan Back with Don 2 (2010)

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