My friend Sathya Bought a New House

My friend Sathya Bought a New House. I our batch he is the first person to buy a house of his own. I am proud of him to have friend like him. At morning i and my friend went to his home and share some time with him. After a long time i and my friends met and chat with each others. I even took leave from my office and spent some time with them. We had done some small help in placing the things and wished him lot of success. I had taken some snapshot of him with his…

VIPIN Moved From Polaris To CTS

I forget to write about Vipin who moved to CTS company. He is so friendly to every one. It is quite hard to believe that he had moved to CTS.  On a fare well day we all talked about how he thinks about all and we same share how we thinks about him but i told that i will erite in my blog about this. As due to heavy work, broadband problem and exam i missedto write about him. Now i felt i should write about Vipin in my history of my friendship diary. Vipin looks like a school boy even now. Vipin always…

Surprise over Yamaha sz-x on Second service

After the First service my bike look smooth and gave extra 3 km millage. I gave the bike for second service on 8th jan 2011 . I expect more than 50 km millage after second service. Even if we get this 50 km millage then this is excellent bike in its segment. I was surprise when i took the bike from second service. i saw another SZ bike with some difference. when en-quired about it they told that it is SZ-R which comes with DISC brake. I was shocked that i waited for this, but unfortunately it come late for me to buy. SZ-R looks great.…

Finally My MBA EXAMs are Over

I had finished my first year MBA Exams. Earlier i had joined MBA in MADRAS UNIVERSITY .  My 1st year semester exam got started on 23rd dec and got finshed in 5th Jan2011. I had done my exams well and now waiting for the results. it is almost the month i never come to net. i hope you to see all. My belated new year wishes and pongal wishes. Have a nice day.