VIPIN Moved From Polaris To CTS

I forget to write about Vipin who moved to CTS company. He is so friendly to every one. It is quite hard to believe that he had moved to CTS.  On a fare well day we all talked about how he thinks about all and we same share how we thinks about him but i told that i will erite in my blog about this. As due to heavy work, broadband problem and exam i missedto write about him. Now i felt i should write about Vipin in my history of my friendship diary.

Vipin looks like a school boy even now. Vipin always try to tell the comedies which he watched on the day but comedies which he tell to us which we will not launch. He makes the work area so lively. One think which is most interesting about him is whenever he tries to explain he will always explain with hand gestures.

We had asked for the treat which leaving. The treat which he gave is simply superb. Now i am giving the treat to all.

Hope all of you are happy now. And dont ask treat again. 🙂 🙂

Hope he is blessed with all the happiness and he keeps smiling always!!


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