Today is My Role Model Birthday — SuperStar Rajini

Rajnikanth, who has a huge fan following across India and world. Rajnikanth’s mannerisms tempt a bus conductor or a coolie to copy the star, certainly his success.

Rajnikanth infuses into perhaps every fan of his a compelling desire to rise above the grind and the toil. He never forgets that Shivaji hopped off a bus and on to a cinema set, shedding his drab khakis for amazing costumes – walking out of depressive gloom into brilliant light.

No doubt Rajnikanth resides in the hearts of millions for his on screen acting but he is also loved by many for his exceptional power. Rajnikanth’s part obviously takes him closer to the common man, who finds it comfortable to identify with his hero. Rajnikanth’s Endhiran: The Robot opened in 2,000 screens the world over, about 500 in Tamil Nadu alone, the fan frenzy took over. Wooden cutouts of the 60-plus-year old star were anointed with milk and honey, and garlanded with fresh flowers.

Today is My Role Model Birthday. I would love to wish SuperStar Rajini a happy birthday

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