Young Indian’s Raised Slogans Againt jallikattu Ban

Young volunteers and mostly college students comes together observed a day-long fast seeking urgent measures to address the farmers problems in the state following drought in many districts. More than 25 thousands young indian People joined hands for this initiative.

Some people took to the streets in Chennai on Sunday protesting the ban on bull-taming Jallikattu sport.

Young Indians Saving Jallikattu
Young Indians Saving Jallikattu

Supreme Court had banned conducting jallikattu in 2014 and further struck down the Act passed by the State government. The protestors upheld banners and posters and raised slogans against PETA, demanding government to act on their demands.

The importance of resuming the sport, after it was banned by a 2014 Supreme Court order there is no similarity between the Spanish sport of bull fighting and jallikattu. In Spanish sport of bull fighting the bulls were harmed and killed in the sport festival in Spain but the bulls are treated like gods in Tamil Nadu.

jallikattu is about taming the bull and not causing any physical harm by breaking its horns or other part.



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