My Friend Naresh Kumar

His Name is Naresh Kumar

Nickname: Kokki Kumar

Actually his nickname is not given by is given by himself

after seeing a PudhuPettai film..

At the first look, he looks like rowdy..But actually he is a comedian. for example if u see the picture it looks like he was smoking but actually he dont know to smoke. all for vethu seen

But he is very talented ..

He perform more mimikiri for us. he makes our class very lively..

He was good in studies..and also good in practical knowledge..

In Our Symposium He came with More ideas.. One of the idea was “Fm08” which Had a Great Success….

He always Care For his Friends….

He was the guy who headed Our suguna gang in our college..

I am happy to have a friend like him!!!!

<– Friendz Diary–>


  1. Well, at first look, I could tell that he is a comedian. 🙂
    Regards to Kokki.

  2. It is good to have friends like that…

    gengen’s last blog post..Photo Hunters – Metal

  3. Rocky

    Its a nice idea to write posts about friends da..good job…

    Rocky’s last blog post..

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