Preventive measures of Swine flu (swine influenza virus)

Swine flu is an infection of a host animal by any one of several specific types of microscopic organisms called “swine influenza virus”.Basically Swine flu is a respiratory disease that infects pigs . This new killer swine flu virus is a never-before-seen virus in human beings that can cause a serious situation with “pandemic potential.” The symptoms of Swine Flu are similar to that of a regular seasonal flu that includes fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

The preventive measures are as follows:

1. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when you sneeze or cough and dispose them properly. Practice good personal hygiene and make sure you use surgical masks and gloves and other sanitary products when you are stepping out of your home.

2. Those who travel abroad have to be alert about the epidemic situation. Especially those who travel to California, Kansas, New York, Ohio and Texas have to be very cautions avoiding crowded groups because confirmed human cases of the swine flu virus are found in these cities.

3. As there are chances of spreading this Flu viruses when people with influenza cough or sneeze, everyone should make a special effort to avoid contact with potential virus carriers.

4. Stay at home if you are sick and take the advice of your physician if illness continues and take regular check up.


  1. What are some 100% good preventive measures? I’m a little scared of the swine flu because I feel hot sometimes and cough lol but I could just be being paranoid. I’m around people that may or may not have it all the time at school etc. because they’re sick and coughing everywhere.

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  2. the use of face masks and boosting your immune system by taking lots of vitamin-C is still an effective way of preventing the spread of the Swine Flu virus.

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