Hi Friends Belated Happy New year

Actually Every New Year is special to us in some ways. At this New Year is some thing not special to me. I had a two weeks viral fever which makes me not to enjoy this New Year. Actually 2009 starts with good note. This 2010 may not starts with good note but I hope it goes with good things. Actually for every new year me and my friends will go to bezant nagar beach to enjoy the new year but this time due to my fever and some of my friends were out of reach I couldn’t go out for enjoy. Usually every year i would like to enjoy the New Year with friends in the beach. But this year I missed due to some or the other reasons.

Any way friends!! Happy new Year 2010. We have entered into a new year where in everything will go good for us. The expectations and the desires will be satisfied in this beautiful year. I wish you all the best for your future and my wishes to your family.


  1. jelpal

    happy new year too…………………..

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