My New Camera Nikon Coolpix P500

Nikon coolpix p500
Nikon coolpix p500

I though to buy a digital camera for a very long time. Finally a zeroed my camera search. I choose Fujifilm S4500 and Nikon Coolpix P500. First i though to go with  Fujifilm S4500 but the time had choosed other way round for me to choose Nikon Coolpix P500.

Among two camera definitely Nikon Coolpix P500 had more features and performance. After buying the Nikon Coolpix P500 camera i almost tried all the features present in it.

The 36X zoom is the main attraction. I tried all the variable zoom and captured the photo. As my trips are nearing i think this is the better moment i had bought the camera.

Thanks to me friend vatsan who helped me in choosing this camera.


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