My Bandwidth Problem Is Over At Last

Due to the bandwidth problem my website has suffered so many problems. At last I found the solution for the problem. Problem is- it’s an error in the plug-in which takes huge bandwidth. But I found the error was not in the plug-in, it’s in the CHMODE. Due to server maintenance the CHMODE has changed. Hence the file is not been executed. Now after heavy search and information gathering I found the exact solution for it. Now I changed the CHMODE .it has been working properly. This was my first experience with server or website problem. At first I am…

Bandwidth Problem?

yesterday is one of my worst day in my life due the huge bandwidth my hosting provider suspended my site for 24 hours. i figured the exact thing which takes huge bandwidth. its an error in the plugin which takes this much bandwidth 2.4gb. but i cannot find the solution for it. while this is my problem i should go out of the town for immediate work. it takes even a week. if you find the exact solution can you tell me so i can check it out... if it go like this my site will be online just for…

Is Technology Helps us to Improve?

Today technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research. Researched by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology and director of the Children's Digital Media Center, Los Angeles. How much should schools use new media, versus older techniques such as reading and classroom discussion? Greenfield said. "If we want to develop a variety of skills, we need a balanced media diet. Each medium has costs and benefits in terms of what skills each develops." Among the studies Greenfield analyzed was a…

Ultimate Star Ajith Assembling a Helicopter- Another Passion(Latest News)

Ultimate Star Ajith assembling a helicopter at the Sathyabama University. Ajith, an action hero in real life. The actor, known for his passion for motor sports, was drawn to aeromodelling while still a student at the Asan Memorial School in 1983 when he was part of the NCC. I became an aeromodeller,” said Ajith, who is logging hours at the Madras Flying Club, in an effort to acquiring a pilot’s license.

My Friend Naresh Birthday

Yesterday its my friend naresh birthday. it is so specials because his birthday falls exactly on republic day. me and my friends usually go to his house exactly on his birthday.. this time it happen again.. i feel very happy because totally 10 of my friends came to his house.. we had a nice lunch and chat. then we played cricket. As usual my team wins.. after chatting a while, we went home happily.. Happy birthday wishes for him!!!

Happy Republic Day

26th January 1950 is one of the most important days in Indian history. In this day India became a totally republican unit. on this day dream of Mahatma Gandhi come true. The numerous freedom fighters who, fought for and sacrificed their lives for the Independence of their country. So, the 26th of January was decreed a national holiday and has been recognized and celebrated as the Republic Day of India, ever since. Today, the Republic Day is celebrated with much enthusiasm all over the country. The patriotic fervor of the people on this day brings the whole country together. which…

Unlock Possible Aging Secret

Using fruit flies, Brown University researchers have identified a cellular mechanism that could someday help fight the aging process. This intervention takes place with few or no side effects on the quality of life for the fruit fly. The discovery could lead to the development of new anti-aging treatments. “There are very few, if any, interventions that are known to dramatically extend healthy lifespan,” Helfand said. “Understanding how the metabolic state of the fruit fly would allow someone to come up with pharmacological interventions that could mimic it and give you the benefit of genetic manipulation without having to do…

Fish Out Of Water:New Species

A new species of fish from tropical South America is confirming suspected roots to the loricariid catfish family tree. Lithogenes wahari shares traits with two different families of fish: the bony armor that protects its head and tail, and a grasping pelvic fin that allows it to climb vertical surfaces.

God’s Gift to us- Nature

“If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living” “If people think nature is their friend, then they sure don't need an enemy.” “Nature has given man one tongue, but two eyes, that we may see twice as much as we speak” “To pay homage to beauty is to admire Nature; to admire Nature is to worship God”

Solar Eclipse will be visible worldwide on Jan 26th 2009

The solar eclipse will be visible across the world on January 26. The Solar Eclipse will begin at 10.26 am and ends at 4.30 pm on Monday passing through various stages. At its greatest phase, the eclipse will be 92.9 per cent and last for 7.51 minutes. On Jan 26 th, Monday, as India is celebrating its Republic day some parts of the country will be witnessing partial phase of annular solar eclipse, the first in the year. The first city that would begin to witness the Solar eclipse is Kanyakumari at 2.08 pm and the last city is Port…