Friendship Thoughts! 02

Friendship Thoughts!: A real friend is one who walks with you when the rest of the world walks out. The world's biggest power is the Friendship. When i was walking alone, I thought that i can reach the end of the road.... But when you are walking with me, I wish the road never ends.... The value of our life does not depend on the time that we spend on this Earth but rather depends on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about...

Young Indian’s Raised Slogans Againt jallikattu Ban

Young volunteers and mostly college students comes together observed a day-long fast seeking urgent measures to address the farmers problems in the state following drought in many districts. More than 25 thousands young indian People joined hands for this initiative. Some people took to the streets in Chennai on Sunday protesting the ban on bull-taming Jallikattu sport. Supreme Court had banned conducting jallikattu in 2014 and further struck down the Act passed by the State government. The protestors upheld banners and posters and raised slogans against PETA, demanding government to act on their demands. The importance of resuming the sport, after…

Friendzworld New Theme Updates

It has been almost one week where I am working on the new theme and made lots of changes. Now I have finally finished my blog theme. At first I thought to have more graphical interface header image but it seems too much for me, moreover I am not so technically skilled it php. So, I used dynamic header images where the header image changes for every hit. The theme which I am using is 3 column wordpress theme where it has right and left sidebars. For the past one month I have been looking for the 3 column theme…

Friendship Thoughts! 01

Friendship Thoughts! A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone. But sometime we don't have anyone when we need.So don't let your best friendz go ever. Its not an achievement to make 100's friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 100's years. Enemies have become friendz by talking each other, but more friendships have been broken by not talking

Back To Blogging After Year Break

Yes After Year Break i came back to Blogging. It had been a very Busy days. It was a new experience over all. I waited for my baby. I was playing with him these days. Change in job and added more responsibility in terms of family. These criteria made me to stop Blogging for few Months but it nearly taken a year to get back to blogging. Now I think i have lot to write. Lot had happen from from the day i hold my blogging to today. Let see what i am going to write in next post.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam NO MORE Died on 27th July 2015 RIP

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Former President of India is no more, Died On 27th July 2015. His last breathed in Shillong, where he had arrived to deliver a lecture at Indian Institute of Management. The reason for his demise is said to be massive cardiac arrest late evening after 7 PM. Air Marshal Arjan Singh, the only officer of the Indian Air Force to be promoted to five-star rank, paying tribute to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam - "The Missile Man of India". I believe there can't be a picture better than this which describes the true model of secularism this…

My marriage – Beginning of another phase of my Life

As said earlier, I(Rajesh) got engaged to Brindha S. It was on march 9th 2014 i got engaged. The beginning of another phase of my life started. Marriage date was announced. It was on sep 7th 2014. I married Brindha. It was such a pleasant day .  I and my wife got most of them blessings. All were happy and enjoying their time. It was such a day to remember.

My friend Mugundhan Marriage

My friend Mugundhan marriage took place on Oct 30th 2014. The marriage was held on his home town hence not able to attend the marriage of my dear friend Muku Me and my friends wished his marriage. Wishes to my friend Muku Happy Married Life!!