My Friend Kv

His NickName is Karthik
Actually His Name was Karthik and His nickname was Kv. But as day prolongs It becomes other way round..even in their house they call him as kv

The atmosphere around him will always be fun and fun only. The best part of him is his timing of teasing others and himself also. He will know exactly what to tell to make the people around him laugh without hurting others.

He has great wits and can tackle any situation with his humor. Cool guy remains cool and calm always.

I know him from my childhood we studied in same school , same college and in same class..

I am very happy to have found such a friend at a very eary stage of my life.

<–Friendz Diary–>


  1. raj

    friendz …since i am out for offical purpose i will be back on 26 th ….untill i miss u all
    Have nice day

  2. abas

    Hallo to & your friends, Rajesh!

    abas’s last blog post..2008 Raya Shopping at Kamdar

  3. sapimoto

    Hi, Rajesh…
    Thanks for your advice at a few week ago….
    Now, my blog have translators to 5 language, from Indonesian to another language….
    You are really a good friend… 🙂

    sapimoto’s last blog post..Top Komentator Plugin

  4. aravind

    i too like to have friendz… u have!!!!

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