My Bandwidth Problem Is Over At Last

Due to the bandwidth problem my website has suffered so many problems. At last I found the solution for the problem. Problem is- it’s an error in the plug-in which takes huge bandwidth. But I found the error was not in the plug-in, it’s in the CHMODE. Due to server maintenance the CHMODE has changed. Hence the file is not been executed. Now after heavy search and information gathering I found the exact solution for it. Now I changed the CHMODE .it has been working properly.

This was my first experience with server or website problem. At first I am very much upset about this problem. Even I thought I am going to loose this site. Now, I thing I can handle any problem. I learnt so many things. It was a nice experience to me

At this time I am very grateful to all my bog friends and friends. Who encourage me and given a valuable tips…

Thanks to all


    • raj

      thanks for ur encouragement..i really grateful for ur comment

  1. denologis

    I’ve ever had problem with server when my space usage was increased abnormally. 😀

    at all, glad to know you, Rajesh. 🙂

    denologis´s last blog post..Plurk

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