Build Spring Boot project

Microservices are built with REST APIs, and the significant reason is that they help in building loosely coupled services. Spring Boot provides the flexibility to create REST APIs quickly, which are exposed as various services. Spring Boot Framework is quite flexible while working with SQL database. You can use direct JDBC calls using JDBC templates, or you can go by implementing hibernate. One more significant option that Spring framework offers is by creating repositories for Spring Data implementation Spring Boot provides an option of an embedded in-memory database. This has no persistent data storage. You can retain the data as…

Lets Learn Spring Boot

Spring Boot allows you to create operating, production-grade, stand-alone Spring based Applications with ease. Spring Boot Framework Features: is an opinionated based on convention over configuration.can build stand-alone applications.can create a production-ready package.has Embedded Tomcat server. To summarize, Spring Boot Framework is a pre-configured, pre-sugared set of technologies/framework to minimize boilerplate configuration offering the quickest way to get a Spring web application ready and operational with minimal configuration/coding out-of-the-box.

Got Certified as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate

After Lot of Hectic schedule with work and learning, Finally fixed the date and showcased my hard work to make it successful by passing the exam Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate. It is not a easy to score in OCI, It needs a lot of dedication and lots of practice to make it work. Have made some routine to have daily two hours learning and practicing. some of the concepts and have browsed and analysis-ed the topic online. There is lot of videos where it was very helpful to engage on. After writing the exam, Got the result on same day after…

Do you Need SSL(https) for the Website?

What happen's if you don't have the SSL? If the SSL certificate gets flagged as invalid by the browser, the data exchanged between you and the website you’re trying to connect to will be transferred in cleartext. Potentially, any user credentials or other sensitive data communicated over the channel can be sniffed or stolen. It is always recommended not to proceed over an insecure connection.The user’s visiting your website will lose trust due to a lack of perceivable credibility.Some users might be convinced that you are hosting a malicious website and would choose to steer clear even after the issue…
Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging

After long gap came to Blogging again. Takes lot of time to make the Site back again from the backup and found-out another hosting provider who is good in many ways. Back to Blogging July 2020 There has been lots of hips and downs to make blogging going. I hope these will changed since most of the things here made it easy in wordpress. One thing which i came to know is SSL enabling in site. Free SSL made my site to https enabled. Will post those information in next blog post, which is very easy to attain Thanks…

ATG FrameWork Change

Yes My Career Start With struts FrameWork. From last two Year my career changed to ATG FrameWork. The ATG FrameWork is Art Technology Group FrameWork. This the Oldest FrameWork in the web. It is used mainly for E-commerce Purpose. It has all the end to end in-build features. When i changed to ATG FrameWork. It required great deal of Training and learning, Since it was very vast in nature. I got so many help in getting the knowledge and finally got certified in Oracle Web Commerce 11. It was a great Pleasure to achieve this stage.

New Law Passed Jallikattu Wins

Young Indians Saving Jallikattu The much awaited the Law for Jallikattu Was Passed. This is the huge victory for students #StudentsPower. Proud Movement for all. Unity wins. Jallikattus are big events that draw people in thousands. They generate a lot of consumption around them which is significant for the rural poor. Why Jallikattu? Supporters of native breeds argue that foreign breeds might not be a better option in the long run. Native breeds require less expensive maintenance and are less vulnerable to diseases and viruses. Jersey cows also require more grazing pastures. In the long run, native breeds are a…

Feeling proud to be part of #jallikattu protests

Feeling proud to be part of #jallikattu protest. Such a peaceful, lively and youthful protest, Can't be seen anywhere in India. We went to Marina Beach with my family. I see all of the family coming to protest happily for the first time. Amount of love and care expressed by families to take part in this protests was awesome. 6 month old child holding the Save Jallikattu banner was ultimate can't be express in words.

Friendship Thoughts! 03

Friendship Thoughts: The single finger wipes out tears during our failure is much better than the 10 fingers which comes together to clap for our victory. We known each other by chance and became friends by knowing each other, still friends by Decision. And we will be FRIEND FOREVER, that is our lifetime Promise Life Thoughts: Don't go the way where life takes you... take your life the way where you want to go. Remember that we are born to live... we are not living because we are born. Professor Thoughts: I don't Mind when Students look at their watches…

Friendship Thoughts

1.Friendship doesn't occur with special people. But, people become special after being friends . i don't know what i am to you. But You are always special to me!! 2.Friends are of two types: one says, "if you ever need anything. i will be there for you". other says, "you will never need anything as long as i am there". 3.There are only two people , who can tell you the truth about you. " A friend who has lost his temper, and An enemy who starts loving you"!